Autor/autori: Ioan CUNCEV
Rezumat: Teoriile şi modelele specifice fiecărui mod de transport îngreunează cooperarea intermodală, fragmentând lanţul logistic, precum si serviciile pentru călători. Pentru a utiliza excelenta fiecarui mod de transport în zona sa de piaţă, se propune trecerea de la conceptele actuale de inter-, multi- şi co-modalitate, spre conceptul generalizator de cooperare a modurilor de transport. Rezulta necesitatea unor concepte, teorii şi modele generalizatoare care să aducă modurile de transport într-un spaţiu logistic echivalent în care sistemele de mobilitate sunt comparabile şi apte de cooperare pe diferite niveluri: firme, lanţuri logistice, coridoare urbane, poli de schimb etc. Se propune teoria categoriilor ca bază ştiinţifică în mobilitatea urbana, oferind o cale de identificare a invarianţilor logistici in tratarea unitară a sistemelor şi proceselor ce au configuraţii similare sau repetitive
Cuvinte cheie: mobilitate urbană, teoria categoriilor, cooperarea multimodală
Abstract: Theories and models tailored to each transport mode create difficulties against intermodal cooperation, fragmenting the freight logistic chain and services to passengers as well. Considering that transport modes are suited for certain market areas, it is proposed to shift from the existing concepts of inter-, multi- and co-modality to the generalizing concept of cooperation of transport modes. Thus, there is a need for generalizing concepts, theories and models in order to bring the transport modes into an equivalent logistics space where the mobility systems are comparable and capable of cooperation at various levels: companies, logistics chains, urban corridors, urban intermodal platforms etc. It is proposed the category theory as a scientific base for the development of new generalizing theories and models in urban mobility, offering a way for identifying the logistic invariants in unified treatment of systems and processes having similar and repetitive patterns
Keywords: urban mobility, category theory, multimodal cooperation