Autor/autori: Victor DAVIDOVICI
Rezumat: Entrapozitul MacDonald a fost construit în 1970 la Paris, în arondismentul 19. Edificiul din beton armat are caracteristicile urmatoare: (a) lungime exceptională de 616 m, trei niveluri şi înălţimea unui etaj de 6,00 m, largimea aproximativă de 68 m, (b) de la origine a fost construit pentru a putea primi 4 etaje suplimentare, (c) dispune de o trama industrială de 8,00 x 8,50 m. Pentru a evita demolarea s-a decis să se reutilizeze structura existentă pentru un program de construcţie de 210.000 m² cu locuinţe, diverse activităţi şi un mare centru comercial. Programul de construcţie a fost stabilit în acord cu primăria Parisului şi cuprinde un pasaj pentru tramvai. Sunt presentate: (1) structura existentă, (2) concepţia architecturală care combină structura existentă şi noua construcţie, (3) fundaţiile existente şi noile fundaţii, (4) constructia de locuinţe, (5) construcţia de birouri
Cuvinte cheie: lungime, lărgime, tramvai,tramă,structură existentă, noua construcţie
Abstract: The MacDonald warehouse was built in 1970 on the Boulevard Macdonald in the 19th district of Paris, France. The characteristics of this all-concrete building are unusual: (a) it is exceptionally long, 616 meters, with a width varying between 48.25 and 68.85 m; (b) it wasoriginally intended as a base for future extensions, so it is deliberately overdesigned, (c) the facades are regular; (d) it has an industrial layout (8 m x 8.5 m); (e) there are three main, independent levels: a 6.10 m high basement, and a ground floor and first floor, both 6.30 m high.To ensure that the warehouse is re-used, not demolished, the conversion must use the existing structure to accommodate the programme, but without adding extra constraints by comparison with a new structure. The conversion will change the scale of the MacDonald warehouse, allowing for a diversified programme with a mixture of residential units, offices, shops, activities and public amenities.The programme consists of more than 210,000 m² of housing, offices, activities, shops and amenities. It is part of a major urban renewal project to transform the north-eastern sector o Paris. The development is being carried out by Paris-Nord-Est under a private law framework but according to a programme and procedures worked out with the Paris municipal authorities. This involves creating a „breach” in the building for a tram line.The presentation will cover: (1) the existing structure, (2) the architectural design incorporating the current building and its extensions, (3) an analysis of the underpinning of the foundations, (4) the residential units, (5) the offices, (6) the activities. The new development will cover the entire 616 m length of the warehouse
Keywords: long,width, industrial layout, existing structure, extensions